

Configures a serial device or tcp device connection to be used in the profile.


name: a string used to refer to the device in the profile
type: "serial" or "tcp" depending on the type of connection
Com Port:
port: a local port to which the device is connected
baudrate: the baud rate for the connection
parity: the value of the parity for the connection (Even, Odd, None, Mark, or Space)
stopbits: the integer value for the stop bits for the connection
databits: the integer value for the data bits for the connection
handshake: None, XOnXOff, RequestToSend, RequestToSendXOnXOff
dtr: True, False

ip: The ip address of the device
dns: The url of the device


<device name="MySerialDevice" type="serial" port="COM1" baudrate="9600" parity="Even" stopbits="1" databits="8" handshake="None" dtr="False" />
<device name="MyTCPDevice" type="tcp" port="12345" ip="" />
<device name="MyTCPDevice" type="tcp" port="12345" dns="" />